文学院 & 科学Pre-健康



There are many activities outside of the classroom that will enhance your experience as a pre-health student at 杰克逊维尔大学 and increase your competitive edge 健康专业项目. We encourage you to get involved early and stay 你在大学期间都很忙. 预健康计划可以帮助你连接到 internship and job shadowing opportunities at organizations like Mayo Clinic and local 医院. 全球网络赌博平台的 faculty can help you identify and pursue valuable research projects and summer programs, including the National Science Foundation’s Research 经历 为本科生. The 杰克逊维尔大学 Pre-Professional Medical Society (JUMPS) provides professional development opportunities through guest speakers, workshops, 实地考察. The Pre-健康 program helps you take advantage of these valuable 校园和社区的资源.了解更多


This timeline highlights some major things to be planning on each year while 在居. Timelines should be tailored for each pre-health student on an individual basis, as 许多因素促成了这些计划. 前健康委员会的教员们很高兴 协助这个计划. 完整的 Pre-健康清单 is also a helpful guide with information on required and recommended courses.


  • Research health professional programs of interest to understand prerequisite requirements. 全球网络赌博平台的 资源列表 会是一个有用的起点吗.
  • Work with your advisors to devise a 4-year plan for coursework 在居.
  • Join the 杰克逊维尔大学 Medical Pre-Professionals Society (JUMPS).
  • 参加校园健康前活动.
  • 了解你的教授.
  • 开始思考和参与 课外经验: undergraduate research, internships, shadowing, volunteering, community service, 等.
  • 获得优异成绩!


  • Stay engaged in 课外经验: undergraduate research, internships, 实习、志愿服务、社区服务等.
  • 为入学考试做准备.
  • Register for and take the required entrance exam.
  • Request recommendation letters from faculty, advisors, and mentors. 一定要允许 时间充裕!
  • 向项目提交申请 as soon as the application portals open for your cycle.
  • 获得优异成绩!


弗朗西斯夹Currently enrolled in the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine

"JU has helped prepare me for my career goals in so many ways. 除了彻底 readying me academically, I was given endless opportunities for leadership growth 和发展. I had the unique experience of serving as the president for five student organizations during my undergrad, one of which I founded myself. 这些经验 collectively allowed me to become more self-confident and develop into a competent leader, something I believe is important for any healthcare profession. 

In the classroom, BIOL 223 SI, Oral Presentation in the Biological 科学, was hands down the most helpful class in my undergrad program. 我能够支持我的公众 speaking abilities, as well as my interview 技能. 结果,我变得更自在了 与其他专业人士交谈. I was able to expand on these 技能 as a Head Tutor, helping countless students, and presenting my undergraduate research at several conferences. JU classes and activities helped me strengthen my communication and interpersonal 技能.

Because JU is a small private liberal arts university, I've gotten more out of my college experience than most students at bigger schools. 你有这么多的机会 在居. All you need to do is make the conscious decision to chase them. 我永远 grateful for all of the experiences I've gained through my time 在居, which has ultimately prepared me for a promising career in dentistry."

弗朗西斯夹 graduated in 2020 with Bachelor of Science degrees in Biology and Psychology. In 2021, he completed his Master 的业务 Administration from the JU Davis College 的业务 & 技术.


JU and Nova Southeastern University (NSU) have partnered to provide our students with 进入…的路径 NSU骨科医生(D.O.)医学课程. This formal agreement is administered by the Pre-健康 Committee. 待考虑 for the program, students that plan on becoming a physician should apply to the JU-NSU双录取计划 in their freshmen through junior years, while conducting themselves with a high level 我在大学的时候很正直. 申请截止日期 11月1日 在秋季学期 3月15日 春季学期.




For more information on the Pre-健康 program, contact the Chair of the Pre-健康 教员委员会:

Dr. 喀拉海康威


(904) 256-7321

电子邮件地址  kconway2@point-st.com

目录条目  关于博士. 喀拉海康威

联系信息 文学院 & 科学


电子邮件: coas@point-st.com
